Sanders Frames Budget Committee Priorities Ahead of CBO Report

BURLINGTON, Vt., Jan. 25 – Ahead of an annual budget and economic outlook report due on Monday from the Congressional Budget Office, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today issued a white payer laying out challenges that he said the Senate Budget Committee and the country must address.

The budget panel’s ranking member, Sanders issued the report as the committee prepared to hold its first hearing of the new Congress on Wednesday to hear the CBO’s annual assessment of the economic outlook for the nation.

“While we must continue to focus on the federal deficit, there are other deficits in our society that have been causing horrendous pain for the vast majority of the American people.  These are deficits in jobs, deficits in infrastructure, deficits in income, deficits in equality, deficits in retirement security, deficits in education and deficits in trade,” Sanders said. “These deficits must be immediately addressed by the Budget Committee. It is time to rebuild the middle class, reduce the growing gap between the very rich and everyone else, rebuild our crumbling infrastructures and expand Social Security.

To read the report, click here.