If you are having trouble solving a problem with a federal program or agency, my office may be able to assist you.
Vermonters visiting Washington, D.C. can request assistance scheduling tours through my office.
Senator Sanders is pleased to nominate promising Vermonters to the military service academies. Use this page to learn more and review the requirements for nominations. page to learn more and review the requirements for internships, academy nominations, and the Senate page program.
If you’d like to have an American flag flown over the U.S. Capitol Building to commemorate a special occasion or honor an individual or organization, my staff can assist you.
Interns gain valuable experience by learning about the inner workings of the Senate and get a first-hand look at the legislative process. Full-time and part-time internships are available in Washington, D.C. and Burlington, Vt.
The Senate Page Program gives high school students the opportunity to work on Capitol Hill while continuing their high school coursework. Learn more about Page responsibilities, eligibility requirements, and how to apply here.
Senator Sanders has selected a number of Vermont projects for funding in the FY2023 Appropriations bill. Find the appropriation requests on this page.
Find information about federal regulations, congressional voting records, and federal agencies.