Leahy, Sanders hope for speedy Senate impeachment trial

By: WCAX News Team; WCAX

BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) – Following the historic second impeachment of President Trump Wednesday, all eyes are on the Senate and the upcoming trial. Vermont Senators Patrick Leahy and Bernie Sanders agree that the president should have been impeached and hope that the trial moves quickly.

Sanders says it’s all about establishing a precedent to show future presidents that what happened at the Capitol last week will not be tolerated. “I hope it moves as quickly as it possibly can, because there are so many enormous health care and economic issues, climate issues, that we have got to deal with, that I hope we don’t get bogged down for too long a period,” Sanders said.

Senator Leahy says that the president’s actions are likely worse than what led to the impeachment of President Nixon. He says Trump should step down as Nixon did, but acknowledges it’s unlikely. “I think we should move fairly quickly. We can move on a two-track level. We can do impeachment plus the things that certainly my committee, the appropriations committee, are going to have to do on COVID and other areas,” Leahy said.

Once the Biden Administration begins, both Vermont Senators take on new leadership roles. Leahy will return to chair the Senate Appropriations Committee and will once again become President Pro Tempore of the Senate, which is third in line to the presidency. Sanders will become chair of the powerful Senate Budget Committee.

Both Senators plan to attend Biden’s inauguration on Wednesday.

This Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on “You Can Quote Me,” watch Darren Perron’s discussion with Vermont’s congressional delegation about what they witnessed during the mob on the Capitol.