NEWS: Sanders Statement on Voting ‘NO’ on Foreign Aid Supplemental Bill

WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today released the following statement on his opposition to the foreign aid supplemental bill under consideration in the Senate:

I will be voting NO on the motion to proceed on the supplemental appropriations bill that the Senate will be voting on today.

Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas’s terrorism, but it does not have the right to go to war against the entire Palestinian people. Since this war began over 27,000 Palestinians have been killed and 67,000 wounded – two-thirds of whom are women and children. Over 1.7 million people have been driven from their homes and have no idea as to where they will be in the future. Almost 70% of the housing units in Gaza have been destroyed or damaged. And today, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children are literally starving to death because Netanyahu’s right-wing government is preventing desperately needed food and water from getting into Gaza. And, to make this unspeakable situation even worse, this bill even prohibits funding for UNRWA, the major humanitarian aid provider in Gaza.

This bill provides $10 billion dollars more in U.S. military aid for the Netanyahu government to continue its horrific war against the Palestinian people. That is unconscionable. That is why I will be voting NO.