NEWS: Sanders Statement on the Escalation in the Middle East

WASHINGTON, April 15 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today released the following statement regarding the recent attacks by Iran and Israel amidst the humanitarian crisis in Palestine:

I condemn Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel over the weekend and am grateful there was no loss of life. I also condemn the reckless Israeli airstrike on Iran’s embassy compound in Damascus two weeks ago, which killed seven Iranians and escalated an already tense regional situation. Cooler heads must now prevail to ensure peace in the region and security for Israel. President Biden is right to make it clear that the United States will not be drawn into another disastrous war in the Middle East.

In the midst of growing Middle East tension, we cannot ignore for a moment Netanyahu’s horrific war against the Palestinian people. Today, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children face starvation as Israel continues to block urgent humanitarian aid that is desperately needed. Humanitarian organizations continue to report unacceptable Israeli restrictions, which prevent many aid convoys from reaching people in need. Further, in response to the tragic death of an Israeli teenager, Israeli settler vigilantes rampaged through the West Bank over the last three days, killing four people and burning numerous buildings. Israeli soldiers and settlers have now killed some 460 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7th. In Gaza, 163 Palestinians were killed over the weekend. 

The United States must use all of its leverage to secure an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and across the region, and demand that the massive amount of humanitarian aid that is needed to prevent famine and widespread humanitarian suffering is able to flow into Gaza. The United States cannot continue to provide billions of dollars to Netanyahu’s reckless and inhumane war machine.