Do You Need Help Heating Your Home?

With winter upon us, I know many Vermonters across our state are worried about keeping their families and themselves safe and warm through this season. The good news is that assistance is available to help eligible Vermonters, not only afford their heating bills, but light and weatherize their homes, secure furnace and fuel tank repairs and replacements, and help pay for fuel and utilities.

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Some Good News to Share

A few years ago, I secured federal funding to initiate a new program here in Vermont that takes a different approach to criminal justice. The goal of this program, done in collaboration between Community College of Vermont and the Department of Corrections, is to provide educational and job training opportunities to people while they are serving their sentences so that, when they leave prison, they have the opportunity to get decent jobs and become productive members of society. This will provide new opportunities for inmates and, if successful, will save substantial sums of money for taxpayers.

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Nearly 2,000 Vermonters Responded

Recently, we sent out a Bernie Buzz asking Vermonters a simple question. Do you think life is better today than it was 50 years ago? Frankly we expected, at most, a few dozen responses. We then planned to select a cross-section of those responses, publish them, and continue the discussion. Well, our estimates were way off. Incredibly, instead of a few dozen responses, we received nearly 2,000 written comments from all over the state – almost all of them very thoughtful

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What Do You Think?

I recently read results from a Pew Research Center poll which I found extraordinary. When asked whether life for people in America is worse today than it was 50 years ago, 58% said that it was.

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