$400,000 Per Missile? Sanders Rips War Profiteers ‘Fleecing’ US Taxpayers

By: Brett Wilkins; Common Dreams “Congress must put an end to this form of corporate welfare,” the senator said, arguing that one new way to do that involves reviving an old policy. U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders has a novel way to stop military-industrial complex profiteers from “bilking the American people”—and it’s actually over 80 years old. In an article published Tuesday in The Atlantic, Sanders

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“I Will Be Damned if I’m Going to Give Another Nickel to the Netanyahu Government”

By John Nichols; The Nation Bernie Sanders and two Senate colleagues defined a new standard for foreign aid packages: No more complicity with Israel’s assault on Gaza. Shortly before dawn on Tuesday, the US Senate approved a $95 billion “emergency” international military spending bill, which included $14 billion in new military assistance for the Israeli government as it continues its massive assault

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“We Can’t Wait”: Sanders Says Green New Deal Needed Now More Than Ever

By Sharon Zhang; Truthout “Transforming our economy away from fossil fuels isn’t radical. What’s radical is waiting another second to do it.” Five years on from the introduction of the Green New Deal, progressive lawmakers say that it’s needed now more than ever, with new, dangerous climate records being set each year and the grip of the fossil fuel industry

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Sanders grills drug company CEOs over high prices in hearing

By Sylvan Lane; The Hill Drug company CEOs were in the hot seat Thursday, as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) sought to harness the anger over high drug prices into action.   During a showy Senate Health Committee hearing, Sanders pressed the CEOs of Merck, Johnson & Johnson and Bristol Myers Squibb about why their medicines cost so much more in the U.S. compared

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Sanders Casts Sole Democratic Vote Against Bill to Send $14B to Israel

By Sharon Zhang; Truthout “Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children are literally starving to death” due to Israel, Sanders said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) was the only senator in the Democratic caucus to vote against advancing a bill on Thursday that would send $14.1 billion to Israel in order to advance its genocidal military and starvation campaign in Gaza. The

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