Bernie Sanders Sees A Democratic Party That Looks More Like Him Than Ever

By: Kara Voght; Rolling Stone “Obviously the election, on Tuesday night went a hell of a lot better than we had anticipated.” This was Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) scientific assessment of the 2022 midterms. He watched returns at home in Vermont — “I try to keep out of D.C. except when necessary,” he offers — and stayed up until four in the morning waiting for

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Bernie Sanders Rips Billionaires for Trying to Buy Midterm Victories

By: Jeff Swensen; Truthout Rallying for Pennsylvania congressional candidates Summer Lee and John Fetterman in Philadelphia on Sunday, Sen. Bernie Sanders ripped U.S. billionaires for pumping record-breaking sums of cash into the midterm elections in an effort to sway the results in their favor. “It is not just Trump and his allies who are trying to undermine American democracy,” Sanders

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Bernie Sanders Backs Historic $18 Minimum Wage Ballot Measure in Portland, Maine

By: Kenny Stancil; Common Dreams “Our greatest weapon in this fight is solidarity,” said the senator from Vermont. “The people of Portland, Maine have an incredible opportunity this Tuesday to continue our movement’s collective struggle by voting ‘Yes’ on Question D.” Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont has endorsed what he calls an “important” citizen-initiated referendum in nearby Portland, Maine, telling

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Sanders Wants Debt Limit Raised in Lame Duck If GOP Wins Midterms

By: Steven T. Dennis; Bloomberg Senate Budget Chairman Bernie Sanders wants Democrats to raise the $31.4 trillion US debt limit in a lame-duck session if Republicans win control of the House or Senate in next week’s midterm elections to preempt their plan to use it as leverage to force spending cuts next year. Doing so would be “a wise course

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Bernie Sanders has a Plan to Beat Republicans on the Economy

By: David Weigel, Semafor On Thursday, Sen. Bernie Sanders kicked off a series of campaign rallies, his most extensive since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Before his first plane took off, Sanders talked with Semafor about the anti-corporate message that he wants Democrats to use to regain the high ground on the economy against Republicans. We also discussed the

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Bernie Blasts Nike Founder: ‘Democracy Is Not Billionaires Buying Elections’

By: Tim Dickinson; Rolling Stone PORTLAND — BERNIE Sanders’ barnstorming tour to rescue the 2022 midterms for Democrats took a spicy turn in Oregon on Thursday. The populist Vermont senator and serial Democratic presidential candidate appeared at a downtown Portland concert venue to stump for Democrat Tina Kotek, who is locked in tight race for governor — thanks largely to the political spending

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