Bernie Sanders criticizes Inflation Reduction Act, says it will have ‘minimal impact’

By: Merdie Nzanga; USA Today WASHINGTON – Sen. Bernie Sanders criticized his party’s Inflation Reduction Act, saying it does not do enough to fight inflation. “The so-called Inflation Reduction Act that we are debating this evening, and I say so-called by the way, because according to the CBO and other economic organizations that have studied this bill, it will, in fact, have

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Sanders grapples with missed opportunity in Democrats’ economic plan

By: Tony Romm; Washington Post The Vermont senator wanted Democrats to seek significant changes to the economy. ‘Does this bill do that? No,’ he said. ‘Might it be better than nothing? Yes.’ Bernie Sanders was jubilant. It was July 2021, and the Vermont senator had just helped finalize a $3.5 trillion blueprint to overhaul the country’s health-care, education, climate, immigration and

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Bernie Sanders criticizes Manchin climate deal, calls for amendments

By: Kathryn Field, VT Digger U.S. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., delivered a highly critical speech on the Senate floor Tuesday about the deal Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., struck last week with Democratic leadership to advance portions of the party’s agenda.  The legislation, called the Inflation Reduction Act, would make the country’s greatest investment yet in fighting climate change, extend health insurance

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How Bernie Sanders and conservatives united against US semiconductor bill

By: Chris Stein; The Guardian Vermont senator opposed ‘corporate welfare’ to firms paying huge salaries to executives – but Chips and Science Act passed Congress When it comes to alliances in Washington, few are as unlikely as the common ground the democratic socialist senator Bernie Sanders briefly found with the Heritage Foundation and Americans for Prosperity, two architects of conservative policies across

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Bernie Sanders just accused Joe Manchin of ‘intentionally sabotaging’ Joe Biden’s agenda

 By: Chris Cillizza, CNN In the wake of West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin’s play for more time to consider a climate and tax legislative package, his colleagues are letting loose with long-simmering frustrations with him and his tactics. None more so that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who absolutely let loose on Manchin during an interview with ABC News on Sunday (bolding is mine). “[Manchin]

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Bernie Sanders Unveils Resolution to End US Support for Saudi-Led War in Yemen

By: Jessica Corbett; Common Dreams “Congress abdicated its constitutional powers and failed to prevent our country from involving itself in this crisis,” said Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a lead co-sponsor with Sen. Patrick Leahy. The resolution is sponsored by Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.)—and, according to the trio, it is already backed by a bipartisan

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