Progressives Propose Tripling Housing Commitment in Infrastructure Plan

By: Emily Cochrane; The New York Times Top liberal lawmakers unveiled legislation on Monday that would pour more than $100 billion over a decade into modernizing the public housing system and starting a transition to renewable energy, as progressives seek to prod President Biden to expand his far-reaching infrastructure plan. The legislation, led by Senator Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent, and

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Bernie Is Right. We Should Immediately Expand and Improve Medicare.

By: Michael Lighty; Jacobin We’ve reached a critical point in the campaign to win Medicare for All. For the first time in a decade, the decisive health care question is on the table in Congress: Should we continue with the commercial health insurance system, or should we improve and expand Medicare? Should we make the expanded subsidies for purchasing commercial

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Drugmakers prepare for the unusual: A defeat in Washington

By: Susannah Luthi & Sarah Owermohle; Politico The pharmaceutical industry is preparingto take a hit in Democrats’ next major legislative package — and the long-untouchable powerhouse is racing to contain the damage. Democratic lawmakers are weighing whether to include drug pricing measures that could extract tens of billions of dollars from the industry, or potentially more, to help pay for

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Opinion: An Unusually Optimistic Conversation with Bernie Sanders

By: Ezra Klein; The New York Times Bernie Sanders didn’t win the 2020 election. But he may have won its aftermath. If you look back at Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders’s careers, the $1.9 trillion stimulus package, the American Rescue Plan, looks a lot like the proposals Sanders has fought for forever, without much of the compromise or concerns that

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Bernie Sanders Is at the Apex of His Power

By: Jeet Heer; The Nation Although twice defeated in his bids to become Democratic presidential nominee, Bernie Sanders has achieved a level of political power that is second only to presidents’. The successful passage of a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill, more than twice as large and more far reaching than the stimulus bill passed in 2009, is a triumph not

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