Sanders Warns ‘Absurd’ Low Pay of Teachers Fueling Public Education Crisis

By: Jake Johnson; Common Dreams “We cannot continue to run our public education system on the backs of saints and martyrs,” an elementary school teacher testified to a Senate committee. A pair of public school teachers warned a key Senate committee on Thursday that low educator pay in the United States is fueling staff shortages across the country and damaging the

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88-2: Only Markey, Sanders Oppose ‘Expensive, Risky’ Nuclear Power Expansion

By: Jessica Corbett; Common Dreams Calling the vote “disappointing,” one campaigner warned: “Nuclear is, at best, a waste of resources. At worst, it’s a meltdown.” Just U.S. Sens. Ed Markey and Bernie Sanders on Tuesday voted against legislation that one scientist warned this week “will only increase the danger to people already living downwind” of nuclear power facilities. The Fire Grants and Safety Act—which now includes provisions from the Accelerating

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Sanders: Netanyahu ‘Beholden to Extreme Racists in Israel’

By: Lauren Irwin; The Hill Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being “beholden” to extreme racists in Israel after the leader pressed the U.S. on withholding of weapons in the Israel-Hamas war. Sanders said “virtually everyone” recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself against attacks from Hamas, but criticized Netanyahu’s continued bombardment and killing of approximately 37,000 Palestinians, in a statement released

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Sanders: Feds Must Investigate Insurers for Charging for Contraception

By: Sharon Zhang; Truthout Contraception is supposed to be fully covered under the Affordable Care Act, but insurers often deny coverage. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) is calling on federal investigators to open a probe into insurance companies that are denying coverage for contraception despite a federal mandate that contraception be free of cost to patients. In a letter sent to the Government

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Subtle Victory for Sanders in Novo Spat

By: Lauren Gardner and David Lim; Politico SANDERS NOTCHES ANOTHER PHARMA WIN — Senate HELP Chair Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) scored another win in his latest battle with the drug industry, getting Novo Nordisk’s CEO to agree to testify about his company’s pricing for in-demand diabetes and weight-loss drugs. Flying solo: Sanders spokesperson Anna Bahr said the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions

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