Bernie and AOC Are Right: Joe Biden Should Declare Climate Change a National Emergency

By: Luke Savage, Jacobin In late spring of 2019, the Trump White House issued a fear-mongering statement about the “sustained influx of illegal aliens” on America’s Southern border. Its contents, needless to say, were xenophobic nonsense from start to finish. Noteworthy, however, was the way it invoked the language of emergency to justify the cruel and brutal measures the administration was hell-bent

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Sen. Bernie Sanders opposes cutting the income cap for $1,400 stimulus checks

By: Jacob Pramuk; CNBC Sen. Bernie Sanders said Sunday that he opposes cutting the income threshold for receiving $1,400 direct payments in the next coronavirus relief bill, underscoring a split Democrats will need to resolve before they can pass the $1.9 trillion package. The Democrats’ most conservative member — Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia — has raised concerns that stimulus checks as currently

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Bernie Sanders Hails Budget Resolution for ‘Working People’ as New Stimulus Nears

By: Oscar Quine; Newsweek Bernie Sanders joined Democrats in celebrating the passing of the party’s budget resolution, saying it embodied “the agenda of the working people of America.” The resolution is a key procedural step to allowing Democrats to pass President Biden’s COVID-19 relief package without fear of filibuster from Republicans. “The agenda of the budget resolution passed today is not the agenda of wealthy campaign

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Bernie Sanders Confident Dems Can Pass $1.4K Stimulus Checks, COVID Relief Without Republicans

By: Jason Lemon; Newsweek Senator Bernie Sanders expressed confidence that Democrats can pass President Joe Biden‘s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package—which includes $1,400 stimulus checks— without Republican support after GOP senators put forward a significantly smaller package. A group of 10 Senate Republicans, led by Senator Susan Collins of Maine, sent a letter to the White House on Sunday requesting a meeting with Biden to discuss a smaller

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Sanders says Democrats have the votes to pass Covid-19 relief bill through reconciliation

By: Nicky Robertson; CNN Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders said Sunday that he thinks there are enough Democratic votes to pass a massive Covid-19 relief package through a process known as reconciliation as the country grapples with the economic fallout of the pandemic.” I believe that we do,” the incoming chairman of the Senate Budget Committee said when asked during an interview with ABC whether

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