Sanders: A sad, sad day for American democracy

By: Dom Amato; WCAX BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) – Vermont’s congressional delegation was inside the Capitol building on Wednesday when rioters moved in. Sen. Bernie Sanders said he and other lawmakers were moved to a secured hearing room inside the Capitol, escorted by heavily armed FBI agents. “It was a very disturbing moment. This is the first time I think since

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Bernie Sanders skewers the president over Capitol siege: ‘The man directly responsible for the chaos of today is Donald Trump’

By: John Haltiwanger; Business Insider Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont did not mince words in terms of who he blames for the violence at the US Capitol on Wednesday, explicitly blaming President Donald Trump for the pandemonium. “The man directly responsible for the chaos of today is Donald Trump, who has made it clear that he will do anything to

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Bernie Sanders Presses Joe Biden on $2,000 Stimulus Checks: ‘Promises Must Be Kept’

By: Alexandra Garrett; Newsweek Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont pressured President-elect Joe Biden for $2,000 stimulus checks in a tweet Wednesday. “With Democrats in control of the Senate, we must keep faith with the working families of this country,” Sanders said. “Promises made must be kept.” “That means not only the $2,000 direct payment but an aggressive agenda that recognizes the economic desperation facing so many

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Sanders blasts McConnell over blocking $2K relief payments

By: WCAX News Team; WCAX WASHINGTON (WCAX) – For the second day in a row, Senator Bernie Sanders Thursday pushed for sending $2,000 in direct relief payments to Americans despite Majority Leader Mitch McConnell saying there is “no realistic path” to pass a stand-alone bill. McConnell has said he is opposed to the idea, saying many Americans haven’t been economically affected

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Bernie Sanders Is Fighting for a $2,000 Check for You on the Senate Floor

By: David Sirota; Jacobin For most of the last few decades, budget standoffs in Washington tended to follow the same script: Republicans threatened to block some domestic spending bill or fully shut down the government unless Democrats agreed to let the GOP own the libs with something bad like a JPMorgan giveaway, a tax break for the rich, or a draconian cut to

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How Bernie Sanders plans to force a vote on $2,000 Covid-19 relief checks

By: Ian Millhiser; Vox In just over three weeks, Donald Trump will no longer be president, but he’s spent his last month in office sowing discord. His latest chaos muppetry — a demand that Congress increase the latest round of stimulus checks from $600 to $2,000 — has now given Democrats a slim chance to deliver more aid to Americans. And, barring that,

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