Bernie Sanders Joined Us to Salute Amazon Labor Organizers

This month, Bernie Sanders got the chance to talk to Amazon Labor Union organizers at a Jacobin event. He told them that he will do everything he can to see their efforts spread all over this country. By Bernie Sanders; Jacobin Magazine The victory that Amazon workers won in Staten Island has been an inspiration for millions of people all

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The time for Senate talk is over. We need to vote

By: Bernie Sanders; CNN The Republican Party is working overtime to suppress the vote and undermine American democracy. It is a party which ignores climate change, the existential threat to our planet and represents the interests of the wealthy and the powerful while turning its back on struggling working-class families. The GOP is the party that gives tax breaks to billionaires while

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Our new year’s resolution for 2022: to rise up and fight back

By: Bernie Sanders; The Guardian As we begin the year 2022, in these unprecedented times, I know it’s easy to give in to despair. We are facing a raging pandemic with seemingly no end in sight. We are rapidly moving toward oligarchy and while income and wealth inequality grows, millions struggle to obtain the basic necessities of life. We have

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