US is turning its back on long COVID. We’ll pay the price if we don’t act.
‘As millions of Americans deal with the ramifications of long COVID, how sad it would be if we learned nothing from all that we have done wrong?’ By: Bernie Sanders; USA Today As all of us know, the COVID-19 pandemic was the worst public health crisis in more than a century. Since the first cases four years ago, well more than 100
In 2024, what’s the way forward?
By: Bernie Sanders; The Guardian In these difficult times, it is easy to fall victim to despair and cynicism. We have no alternative but to stand and fight It’s no great secret. These are the most difficult and challenging times in modern history. We’re dealing with the horrific situation in Gaza, Putin’s war in Ukraine, the existential threat of climate
Bernie Sanders: My Hero of 2023 Is the Trade Union Movement
By: Bernie Sanders; The Daily Beast Workers are standing up and fighting back against the unprecedented corporate greed taking place in America in a way we have not seen in decades. And they are winning—big time. The year 2023 will go down as one of the most difficult not only in the modern history of America, but in the modern
Bernie Sanders: We can’t allow the food and beverage industry to destroy our kids’ health
By: Bernie Sanders; USA Today The time is long overdue for us to seriously combat the Type 2 diabetes and obesity epidemic in America. A good place to start would be to ban junk food ads targeted to kids. In America today we have a Type 2 diabetes epidemic. In America today we have an obesity epidemic. They are directly related, and both
Change is coming. The question is: what kind of change will it be?
By: Bernie Sanders; The Guardian We are living in the most difficult moment in modern history. If you feel anxious and overwhelmed about what’s going on, you’re not alone. The extraordinarily challenges we face are very real, but we can never let them become excuses for checking out of the political struggles that address these crises and will define our