NEWS: Sanders Moves to Block Weapons Sale to Israel
WASHINGTON, May 20 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Thursday introduced a joint resolution blocking the recent sale of $735 million in weapons to Israel. “At a moment when U.S.-made bombs are devastating Gaza, and killing women and children, we cannot simply let another huge arms sale go through without even a Congressional debate,” Sanders said. “I believe that the
NEWS: Sanders to Block Destructive Republican Resolution on Israel-Palestine, Offer Alternative
WASHINGTON, May 19 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday will take to the floor of the U.S. Senate to block a destructive resolution on the conflict in Israel and Palestine, and offer an alternative in its place. Following the failure of the Republican motion, Sanders will ask for unanimous consent that the Senate adopt the following resolution: Whereas every
NEWS: Sanders, Grassley, Wyden, Lee Make Bipartisan Push to End Wasteful Pentagon Spending
WASHINGTON, May 19 – Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), and Mike Lee (R-Utah) Wednesday introduced the Audit the Pentagon Act of 2021, which would require the Department of Defense (DOD) to finally pass a full independent audit beginning in fiscal year 2022. Under the bill, each branch of the military and part of the DOD that fails to obtain a clean audit opinion
NEWS: Chairman Sanders Announces HELP Subcommittee Hearing on Shortage of Health Care Workers
WASHINGTON, May 17 – Subcommittee Chairman Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today announced that the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee’s Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security will hold a hearing Thursday, May 20 at 10:30 a.m. on the health care workforce shortage facing our country titled, “A Dire Shortage and Getting Worse: Solving the Crisis in the Health Care
NEWS: Sanders Urges Labor Secretary Walsh to Protect Workers as Republican Governors Threaten to Withhold Aid
WASHINGTON, May 13 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, Thursday sent a letter to Labor Secretary Marty Walsh urging the Department of Labor to ensure that workers get life-saving unemployment benefits even as Republican governors threaten to take it away. As Republican Governors across the country indicate they will renege on the promise of life-saving federal unemployment aid,