Sanders y coauspiciadores presentan legislación para poner los territorios a la par con los estados en cuanto a Medicaid

WASHINGTON, 11 de Junio – El Senador Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) junto con otros siete coauspiciadores en el Senado, presentaron un proyecto de ley dirigido a las necesidades humanitarias inmediatas en los territorios estadounidenses, incluyendo a Puerto Rico. La Ley de Equidad de la Salud en los Territorios del 2019 corregiría las desigualdades en la distribución de fondos federales para el

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Legislative Package Introduced to Encourage Employee-Owned Companies

WASHINGTON, May 28 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), along with Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) introduced two pieces of legislation to help workers around the country form employee-owned businesses. The WORK Act – modeled on the success of the Vermont Employee Ownership Center – would provide more than $45 million in funding

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Sanders Leads Bicameral Legislation to Hold Opioid Executives Criminally Liable

WASHINGTON, May 21 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) led a bicameral group of lawmakers in introducing the Opioid Crisis Accountability and Results Act, as Vermont Attorney General T. J. Donovan announced a lawsuit today against former Purdue Pharma CEO Richard Sackler and seven family members who served on Purdue’s Board of Directors for deliberately misrepresenting the risks of the drug

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