Sanders Statement on President Obama’s Supreme Court Nomination
WASHINGTON, March 16 – Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement Wednesday after President Barack Obama nominated Judge Merrick Garland of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to the Supreme Court: “Judge Garland is a strong nominee with decades of experience on the bench. My Republican colleagues have called Judge Garland a ‘consensus nominee’ and said that
Sanders Statement on GMO Labeling Legislation
WASHINGTON, March 16 – Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement after the Senate blocked legislation by Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) that would block Vermont and other states from requiring labels on genetically modified foods: “I am pleased that Congress stood up to the demands of Monsanto and other multi-national food industry corporations and rejected this outrageous bill. Today’s vote was a victory for the American
Sanders Announces $1.2 Million in Health Center Funds for Substance Abuse Treatment in Vermont
BURLINGTON, Vt., March 11 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders today announced the Department of Health and Human Services awarded $1,240,794 to four community health centers in Vermont. The health centers will use this new federal funding to expand access to substance abuse treatment. The Vermont awards are part of $94 million to improve and expand the delivery of substance abuse
Sanders, Senate Democrats Introduce Bill to Restore Medical Research Funding
WASHINGTON, March 3 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) and Democratic colleagues on the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Committee introduced the National Biomedical Research Act today. This bill would increase funding for targeted biomedical research initiatives through a new, reliable funding stream supporting the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration. The purchasing power of
Sanders Statement on Key Abortion Law Case
BURLINGTON, Vt., March 2 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement today as the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, which would restrict women’s access to abortions: “The case under consideration today is rightly regarded as one of the most important women’s health care cases in a generation. Access to safe and