Congress Clears Transportation Bill With $464 Million for Vermont
WASHINGTON, June 29 – Congress today passed a transportation funding bill that would provide almost $464 million to Vermont through 2014. Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Senate Transportation Subcommittee member, helped write the bill. “At a time when about one-third of the bridges are structurally deficient or functionally obsolete and 36 percent of the federal-aid roads need major repairs, this bill
Statement on Supreme Court Health Care Ruling
WASHINGTON, June 28 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement today after the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act: “Today is a good day for millions of Americans who have pre-existing conditions who can no longer be rejected by insurance companies. It is a good day for families with children under 26 who can keep their children on their health
‘The American People Are Angry,’ Sanders Says
WASHINGTON, June 27 – “The American people are angry,” Sen. Bernie Sanders said in a major Senate floor speech today. They are angry that the middle class is collapsing because of the Wall Street-caused recession, they are angry that unemployment is sky high, that 50 million people lack health insurance, and that working families can’t afford college for their kids. Meanwhile, the wealthy and the largest
Senator Bernard Sanders Floor Statement – June 27, 2012
Madam President, the American people are angry. They are angry because they are living through the worst recession since the great depression. Unemployment is not 8.2%, real unemployment is closer to 15%. Young people who are graduating high school and graduating college, they’re going out into the world, they want to become independent, they want to work, and there are no jobs. There are
Statement on Supreme Court Ruling in Montana Campaign Funding Case
WASHINGTON, June 25 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement today after the U.S. Supreme Court reversed a Montana Supreme Court ruling that allowed limits on campaign contributions: “I am extremely disappointed but not surprised that the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the Montana court ruling that would have allowed limits on campaign contributions. “The U.S. Supreme Court’s absurd 5-4 ruling two years ago in Citizens