Vermont Homeless Shelter Grants Announced

ST. ALBANS, Vt., Aug. 9 – Speaking today at the Samaritan House homeless shelter here, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) announced $237,500 in federal help for seven shelters throughout Vermont. The senator was joined by Linda Ryan, executive director for development at the Samaritan House, to announce the $30,000 renovation project funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

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Statement on U.S. Credit Rating

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement after Standard & Poor’s lowered the U.S. government’s AAA credit rating:  “I find it interesting to see S&P so vigilant today in downgrading the U.S. credit rating. Where were they four years ago when they, and other credit rating agencies, helped cause this horrendous recession by providing AAA ratings to worthless sub-prime

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Sanders on Partial Shutdown of FAA

Senator Bernie Sanders issued the following statement over the partial shutdown of the Federal Aviation Administration. “It is reckless and extremely harmful for the House Republicans to play politics with our nation’s air safety.   While it is my understanding at this point that no FAA employees in Vermont will be furloughed and that no Vermont projects will be stopped, we simply cannot afford to

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Senate Panel Prods NRC to Act on Fukushima Report

WASHINGTON, Aug. 2 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today pressed the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to aggressively implement task force recommendations on reactor safety in the wake of Japan’s nuclear crisis. “Delay is not an acceptable option,” Sanders said at an Environment and Public Works Committee hearing in Washington. “We must do everything in our power to make sure nuclear power plants are safe

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