Release: Vermont Guard Wins $2 Million More for Model Veterans Outreach Program

WASHINGTON, May 12 – The Department of Defense today committed more than $2.1 million for a one-year extension of a Vermont National Guard outreach program to help veterans returning from deployments in Afghanistan and elsewhere. The Vermont Guard program was funded since 2006 by federal grants secured by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee. 

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Release: Community Health Centers Save Lives and Money

WASHINGTON, May 11 – Non-emergency visits to hospital emergency rooms cost taxpayers billions of dollars a year, money that could be saved by expanding community health centers and other primary health care services, according to testimony at a Senate hearing today. A new Government Accountability Office study conservatively estimated that 8 percent of emergency room visits are not urgent. In

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HELP Subcommittee to Discuss Emergency Room Care

Will Release GAO Report on Preventing Unnecessary Use of ERs WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, May 11 at 10:00AM, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging will convene a hearing to discuss ways to reduce the use of emergency departments for non-urgent health care services. HELP Committee Chairman Tom Harkin (D-IA) and Subcommittee Chairman Bernie

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Release: Single-Payer, Medicare-for-All Legislation Introduced

WASHINGTON, May 10 — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) announced today that he introduced legislation to provide health care for every American through a Medicare-for-all type single-payer system.   Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) filed a companion bill in the House to provide better care for more patients at less cost by eliminating the middle-man role played by private insurance companies that

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Sanders and McDermott to Introduce Labor-Backed Single Payer, Medicare-for-All Health Care Bill

WASHINGTON, May 9 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) will hold a press conference on Tuesday to announce the introduction of single-payer health care bills in the Senate and House. They will be joined by leaders of the AFL-CIO and other labor organizations supporting the measure. Who: Sen. Bernie Sanders; Rep. Jim McDermott; Arlene Baker-Holt, executive

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