Sanders to Steelworkers: No. 1 Challenge America Faces Is A Jobs Crisis
Sen. Bernie Sanders will address the urgent need to create jobs to both jumpstart the economy and reduce the national debt during the United Steelworkers “Stand Up, Fight Back” convention in Las Vegas this afternoon. Shortly before Sanders speaks to more than 3,000 union leaders throughout North America today, President Barack Obama is scheduled to make remarks to the steelworkers’ convention by video. On Monday, House
Protecting Families, Not Polluter Interests
Last Thursday, nine senators signed onto a letter urging the Obama administration to take action to protect air quality and public health. In the letter, Sen. Bernie Sanders and eight other senators called upon the president to safeguard the health of families by standing strong against efforts to weaken the Clean Air Act. For four decades, this landmark legislation has saved lives
Justice Department Confirms it Won’t Intervene in Vermont Yankee Lawsuit
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders today welcomed official confirmation by the U.S. Department of Justice that it would not intervene in a lawsuit in federal district court over the future of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. The plant owner, Louisiana-based Entergy Corp., sued the state of Vermont after the Vermont Senate last year voted 26 to 4 not to renew a state license for the 40-year-old
Vermont Homeless Shelter Grants Announced
ST. ALBANS, Vt., Aug. 9 – Speaking today at the Samaritan House homeless shelter here, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) announced $237,500 in federal help for seven shelters throughout Vermont. The senator was joined by Linda Ryan, executive director for development at the Samaritan House, to announce the $30,000 renovation project funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Remarks by Senator Bernie Sanders Announcing $237,500 for Seven Vermont Homeless Shelters
At a time when many Vermonters are struggling through the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression; when average wages are stagnant or falling; when many low and moderate income people are spending 50 percent or more of their limited income on housing; and when we are facing a foreclosure crisis brought about by Wall Street greed; it is no wonder — in spite of