Sanders Warns of Devastating Cuts in Social Security
WASHINGTON, July 9 – Social Security cuts under consideration by the White House in deficit-reduction talks would drive 245,000 people into poverty and lower widows’ benefits $1,200 a year by 2050, according to Social Security Administration calculations provided to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). Changing the way inflation is measured to determine Social Security benefits is one option on the table
Sanders: Hands Off Social Security
As Social Security emerged as a target in White House budget negotiations, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) insisted that the retirement program must not be cut as part of any deficit reduction deal. Social Security, which had been off the table in the deficit talks, reportedly reemerged as President Obama met with congressional leaders. “Let us be clear,” Sanders said. “Social Security has not
More than 4,000 Vermonters Sign Sanders Letter to Obama on Shared Sacrifice
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) delivered to the White House a letter signed by more than 100,000 Americans urging President Barack Obama to rely on revenue from the wealthiest Americans and the most profitable corporations for at least half of any deficit reduction package. In all, 102,564 people from all 50 states and the District of Columbia signed Sanders’ letter by mid-day Tuesday.
More than 100,000 Americans Sign Sanders Letter to Obama on Shared Sacrifice
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today delivered to the White House a letter signed by more than 100,000 Americans urging President Barack Obama to rely on revenue from the wealthiest Americans and the most profitable corporations for at least half of any deficit reduction package. More than 4,000 people from Vermont alone put their names on the letter calling for an approach to deficit reduction
Sanders Expects U.S. to Stay Out of Vermont Yankee Court Fight
Sen. Bernie Sanders learned today that the U.S. Department of Justice has no plans to intervene in a legal fight over the fate of the Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor at this time. Sanders had urged Attorney General Eric Holder to stay out of a lawsuit filed in federal court in Vermont by Entergy Corp. The plant owner sued after the Vermont Senate last