Statement on Former Vice President’s Afghanistan Criticisms

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) made the following statement in response to former-Vice President Dick Cheney’s comments that President Barack Obama is “dithering” in regarding the war in Afghanistan: “It appears that after he helped run one of the worst administrations in American history, former VP Cheney has learned nothing.  By precipitate and dishonest action, the Bush-Cheney administration got us into

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Sanders Hails Two Major Victories for Veterans

WASHINGTON, October 22 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a member of the veterans committee, today hailed President Barack Obama’s signing of legislation establishing advanced funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs and the department’s recent acceptance of the connection between Agent Orange and devastating diseases. President Obama signed legislation today providing health care funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs

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Release: President Obama Signs Aid for Dairy Farmers

President Obama today signed legislation to provide $350 million in emergency assistance for hard-pressed dairy farmers.   Sen.
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) – who sponsored an amendment that added the
dairy funds to the Department of Agriculture appropriations bill –
joined the president at the White House for the Oval Office
bill-signing ceremony.  The measure provides $290 million for
direct support to dairy farmers.  Another $60 million will be used to
purchase cheese and other dairy products for food banks and nutrition
programs.   Sanders and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Rep. Peter
Welch (D-Vt.) said additional measures are needed to bring price
stability to the dairy industry and to help preserve family farms.

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Release: Sanders Seeks Support for Vermont State Hospital

WASHINGTON, October 20 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today brought together Obama administration officials, Vermont state lawmakers and the state Department of Mental Health commissioner to discuss federal funding for the Vermont State Hospital. Restoring the hospital’s certification could yield $10 million or more a year in federal reimbursements for the facility that the state now spends more than $20

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Sanders Remarks to Climate Change Conference

In 2007 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated
that the climate is warming, and that human activity is a key cause. In
the two years since, the science continues to be clear that impacts are
increasing. In fact, what we are hearing from key scientists is that
the situation is far more dire than they had previously believed. As
Secretary of Energy Chu pointed out in recent testimony to the
Environment Committee, we face a distinct possibility of up to 11
degrees Fahrenheit average temperature increase globally in this
century. This clearly would be catastrophic in terms of flooding,
draught, extreme weather disturbances, disease and national security
issues.  Interestingly, with regard to the latter, the CIA has stated
that global warming, and the international tensions that it will cause
as countries fight over scarce resources, is going to be a major
national security issue

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