Release: Vermont Receives $5.7 Million in Emergency Dairy Payments
BURLINGTON, December 31 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today announced that $5.7 million in emergency support to more than 1,000 Vermont dairy farmers has been released. The assistance, coming at a time when dairy farmers have experienced the lowest prices in 40 years, is part of a $350 million dairy assistance measure sponsored by Sanders. The U.S. Department of Agriculture
Statement on Senate Passage of Health Care Reform
SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vt. December 24 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) returned to Vermont and issued the following statement today after the Senate voted 60 to 39 for health care reform legislation. “The bill is not as strong as I wanted and I will work to improve it, but it begins to move this country toward the long-time goal of providing
Release: Primary Health, Dental Care for 25 Million More Americans
$10 Billion More for Community Health Centers will Revolutionize Care WASHINGTON, December 19 – A $10 billion investment in community health centers, expected to go to $14 billion when Congress completes work on health care reform legislation, was included in a final series of changes to the Senate bill unveiled today. The provision, which would provide primary care for 25
Release: Vt. Senators Support Medicaid Change in Health Package
WASHINGTON, December 19 – In a major victory for Vermonters, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) has convinced Senate negotiators to increase Medicaid payments to Vermont by $250 million over six years in the Senate’s health reform plan. Leahy’s provision, strongly supported by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), is included in an amendment of negotiated provisions that Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.)
Release: Emergency Dairy Payments Approved
WASHINGTON, December 17 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture today detailed plans to distribute $290 million to struggling dairy farmers. The assistance is part of a $350 million dairy assistance measure Congress approved at the request of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). The measure that provides $290 million for direct support to dairy farmers will result in a payment of about