Hot as Hell

A B-24 bomber flying a World War II mission over the Himalayas in 1944 crashed into a mountainous region of northeastern India. The lost crew included two Vermonters; Capt. William A. Swanson of Proctor, the pilot, and Lt. Irwin “Zipper” Zaetz of Burlington, the navigator. One year ago, a mountain climber trekking through rugged terrain 9,000 feet above sea level discovered a portion of a wing with numbers identifying the plane, the Hot as Hell. He notified relatives of the crash victims. They t

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Vermont Delegation Secures King Monument Pledge

WASHINGTON, December 14 – The Vermont congressional delegation has been assured by the Martin Luther King Foundation that American granite will be used in a monument to the civil rights leader in the nation’s capital. Vermont granite suppliers will be eligible to compete for contracts that will be announced in the near future, according to Harry E. Johnson Sr., the

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Senate Passes Energy Bill

WASHINGTON, December 13 – The Senate tonight passed energy legislation that would boost fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks to 35 miles per gallon by 2020. The measure also included provisions by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to promote energy efficiency and to train workers for green-collar jobs. “Given the crisis we’re facing in global warming, the passage of

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The Energy Bill

The Senate passed energy legislation that would boost fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks to 35 miles per gallon by 2020. The measure includes provisions by Senator Bernie Sanders to promote energy efficiency and to train workers for green-collar jobs. “Given the crisis we’re facing in global warming, the passage of this energy bill is an important step forward,” Sanders said. “Much more has to be done in the future, but raising fuel efficiency standards and helping states, cit

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‘The Arctic is Screaming’

The Arctic Ocean is melting. The volume of Arctic sea ice by the end of summer was half what it was just four years earlier, according to NASA satellite data obtained by The Associated Press. “The Arctic is screaming,” Mark Serreze, senior scientist at the government’s snow and ice data center, told the AP. Senator Bernie Sanders cited the report in a speech on the Senate floor about the importance of wind technology, one significant way to reduce reliance on coal, oil and other fossil fuels th

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