Global Warming Is Reversible

“The truth rarely uttered in Washington is that with strong governmental leadership the crisis of global warming is not only solvable; it can be done while improving the standard of living of the people of this country and others around the world. And it can be done with the knowledge and technology that we have today,” Senator Bernie Sanders wrote in a column published by The

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No Child Left Behind?

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 required states to improve public schools for all students in exchange for increased federal aid. Has the bargain been honored? Has it worked? With the law authorizing the program about to expire, should it be extended or should it be scrapped? If it is broken, can it be fixed? Those questions framed a town meeting on Tuesday hosted by Sen. Bernie Sanders. He brought together a group of Vermont educators at Burlington High School to discuss No Child Left Beh

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Home Heating Costs Soar

As rising fuel prices stretch household budgets beyond the breaking point, Senator Bernie Sanders announced that he will introduce legislation when Congress reconvenes next week to provide $1 billion in emergency home heating assistance. Sanders called for the $1 billion boost in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. President Bush, meanwhile, wants Congress to cut $379 million from the program that provides critical help to 5.8 million senior citizens on fixed-incomes and low-income fa

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Senator Sanders Proposes $1 Billion Boost for Home Heating Assistance

BURLINGTON, Vt. – As soaring fuel prices stretch household budgets beyond the breaking point, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said today he will introduce legislation when Congress reconvenes next week to provide $1 billion in emergency home heating assistance. Sanders called for the $1 billion boost in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. President Bush, meanwhile, wants Congress to cut

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Vermont Yankee

“The Nuclear Regulatory Commission lowered its safety rating for the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant last year after the facility mistakenly sent a piece of machinery with abnormally high radiation readings to a Pennsylvania plant,” The Burlington Free Press reported. Documents on file with the NRC showed that equipment packaged in a large container and shipped by truck had more than four times that acceptable hourly exposure to radiation, according to the article published on Sunday. On Mond

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