Senator Sanders Praises U.S. Senate Passage of an Increased Minimum Wage
Senator Bernie Sanders applauded U.S. Senate-passage of an increase in the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 over the next two years. This is the first increase in the federal minimum in almost a decade. The U.S. House has already passed its version of the minimum wage increase and a House/Senate Conference Committee will have to work out differences between the two bills before the wage
Statement of Senator Sanders at the EPW Global Warming Forum
Good morning Chairman Boxer, Ranking Member Inhofe. As you know, I have introduced S. 309, the Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act. This legislation is the boldest effort aimed at halting global warming. Some would say that the bill goes too far; I say it doesnt go far enough. This is because we arent talking about your run of the mill problem we are, in the most literal sense, talkin
Senator Sanders to Secretary Rice: Escalate Diplomacy Not Troops in Iraq
Washington D.C.Senator Bernard Sanders (I-VT) today met with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and called on the Administration to escalate diplomatic efforts, rather than the number of troops, in order to end the quagmire in Iraq. In his remarks, Sanders also urged the Administration to abandon its unilateral approach to the war by working in a true bipartisan manner and by charting a new course in Iraq in consultation with the Congress. Sanders said, Now is the time to increase the level of
Statement From Senator Bernie Sanders at Energy and Natural Resources Committee Meeting on Climate Change
Chairman Bingaman, Ranking Member Domenici, thank you for holding this hearing today.While I and millions and millions of Americans all across the country had hoped that the President would finally provide bold leadership on global warming last night, it simply did not happen. We all know that when he initially ran for President, Mr. Bush committed to a cap on the level of greenhouse gases emitted and we also know that shortly after taking office, he went back on that commitment and has fail
Statement by Sen. Bernard Sanders on Minimum Wage
Mr. President, I rise today in strong support of the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007, and I would like to commend Senator Kennedy for his leadership on this issue. This important legislation would increase the federal minimum wage from the abysmal $5.15 an hour to $7.25 an hour over two years. Mr. President, make no mistake about it: this