It’s time to protect working families through $3.5 trillion budget ‘reconciliation’ bill

By: Bernie Sanders; Fox News For too many decades, Congress has ignored the needs of the working class For too many years the people on top have been doing phenomenally well, while working families continue to struggle. The time is long overdue for Congress to address the long-neglected needs of ordinary Americans, and not just the 1% and wealthy campaign contributors.  And that

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Bernie Sanders: Why We Need the $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Package

By: Bernie Sanders; Wall Street Journal The American Rescue Plan boosted the economy during the pandemic. But it didn’t go far enough. The good news is that the American Rescue Plan Act, enacted in March, has been effective. At a time of unprecedented health and economic crisis caused by the pandemic, it did exactly what a democratic government in a

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By: Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Pramila Jayapal; Data for Progress The deadly coronavirus pandemic laid bare many inequalities in American society — and perhaps no inequality more devastating than disparities in healthcare. As workers had their hours slashed and millions were laid off entirely, we saw that the chasm between who has health coverage and who doesn’t remains one of

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Washington’s Dangerous New Consensus on China

Don’t Start Another Cold War By: Bernie Sanders; Foreign Affairs The unprecedented global challenges that the United States faces today—climate change, pandemics, nuclear proliferation, massive economic inequality, terrorism, corruption, authoritarianism—are shared global challenges. They cannot be solved by any one country acting alone. They require increased international cooperation—including with China, the most populous country on earth. It is distressing and

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