What happens next in Congress will determine future of country

By: Bernie Sanders; CNN What happens in Congress in the next few months will determine the future of our country — and our planet. In this pivotal moment in American history, Democrats in the US House of Representatives and US Senate, working with the White House, have proposed several pieces of legislation which can strengthen working families, protect the planet

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The U.S. Must Stop Being an Apologist for the Netanyahu Government

By: Sen. Bernie Sanders; The New York Times “Israel has the right to defend itself.” These are the words we hear from both Democratic and Republican administrations whenever the government of Israel, with its enormous military power, responds to rocket attacks from Gaza. Let’s be clear. No one is arguing that Israel, or any government, does not have the right to

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We must fix the gaping holes in Medicare

By: Sen. Bernie Sanders & Rep Pramila Jayapal; The Washington Post More than 55 years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare — one of the most popular and successful government programs in our nation’s history — into law. Before the enactment of Medicare, about half of our senior citizens were uninsured and roughly 35 percent lived in poverty. Today, everyone

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Bernie Sanders: We need to fix America. And the wealthy should help pay for it

(CNN) — The United States of America faces several enormous structural crises that we must address. We need to fund infrastructure projects and build affordable housing while transitioning our energy system away from fossil fuels toward energy efficiency and renewable energy. We also need to guarantee health care to Americans as a human right, while also expanding Social Security to ensure that 20%

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