In 2024, what’s the way forward?

By: Bernie Sanders; The Guardian In these difficult times, it is easy to fall victim to despair and cynicism. We have no alternative but to stand and fight It’s no great secret. These are the most difficult and challenging times in modern history. We’re dealing with the horrific situation in Gaza, Putin’s war in Ukraine, the existential threat of climate

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Bernie Sanders: My Hero of 2023 Is the Trade Union Movement

By: Bernie Sanders; The Daily Beast Workers are standing up and fighting back against the unprecedented corporate greed taking place in America in a way we have not seen in decades. And they are winning—big time. The year 2023 will go down as one of the most difficult not only in the modern history of America, but in the modern

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Change is coming. The question is: what kind of change will it be?

By: Bernie Sanders; The Guardian We are living in the most difficult moment in modern history. If you feel anxious and overwhelmed about what’s going on, you’re not alone. The extraordinarily challenges we face are very real, but we can never let them become excuses for checking out of the political struggles that address these crises and will define our

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Bernie Sanders: Justice for the Palestinians and Security for Israel

By: Bernie Sanders; The New York Times There have been five wars in the last 15 years between Israel and Hamas. How do we end the current one and prevent a sixth from happening, sooner or later? How do we balance our desire to stop the fighting with the need to address the roots of the conflict? For 75 years, diplomats, well-intentioned Israelis

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