“A Step Forward”

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement after the president
announced his plan to help students pay down their student loans:

“The president’s announcement about new student loan policies is a step forward and I support his efforts.  I believe we need to go even further, to make sure that college is accessible and affordable for every student, regardless of family income.

I support President Obama’s new plan because it will enable over five million people to lower their payments on some student loans by ¼ to ½ percent.  I support the new plan to limit payments borrowers have to make each year to 10 percent of their annual income starting next year and limit the period they have to make payments to 20 years in total.  Finally,
I welcome the inclusion of millions of additional students in the loan
forgiveness plan I helped author, which allows anyone who works for ten years in public service to have the remainder of their federal college loans