Chinese Sweatshops

A Senate subcommittee on Thursday held a hearing on Sweatshop Conditions in the Chinese Toy Industry. Americans spent $22.3 billion on toys and sporting goods last year, and China accounted for 86 percent of U.S. toy imports, according to Charles Kernaghan, director of the National Labor Committee. “Many parents in America would be shocked and disturbed if they knew of the abusive sweatshop conditions under which their children’s toys are being made in China,” he testified. “Parents, however, have no way of knowing, as toy companies like Mattel (the largest in the world) hide their 40 or so contract plants in China, refusing to provide the American people with even the names and addresses of their plants.” Senator Bernie Sanders is a cosponsor of the Decent Working Conditions and Fair Competition Act that would make it unlawful to sell, trade, or advertise sweatshop goods.

To learn more about S.367, the Decent Working Conditions and Fair Competition Act, click here.