Clinton, Other White House Hopefuls Should Reject Job-Killing Trade Deal, Sanders Says

BURLINGTON, Vt. April, 17 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today called on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other national leaders to oppose a proposed 12-nation trade agreement known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

“For decades, corporate America has been pushing disastrous trade agreements on the American people. The result: millions of jobs lost through outsourcing, lower wages and the collapse of our middle class,” Sanders said.

“My strong hope is that Secretary Clinton and all candidates, Republicans and Democrats, will make it clear that the Trans-Pacific Partnership should be rejected and that we must develop trade policies that benefit working families, not just Wall Street and multi-national corporations,” the senator added.

Sanders’ campaign to mobilize opposition to the trade pact came one day after proponents of the agreement introduced legislation that would make it easier for them to rush the measure through Congress.