Joint Statement Of The Vermont Congressional Delegation On ICE Enforcement Actions In Vermont

March 20, 2017– “We have expressed our serious concerns to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) about these arrests of several farmworkers and farmworker advocates.  We are also reaching out to ICE about the potential impact in Vermont of President Trump’s executive order calling for increased immigration enforcement.  Instead of focusing on removing those people who pose a threat to public safety or national security, the Trump Administration is targeting all undocumented persons, including the people that help keep our dairy farms and rural economy afloat.

“We are seeing the result of the failure of Republican leaders in the House of Representatives to even consider comprehensive immigration reform, including provisions for undocumented agricultural workers.  Instead of common sense reform, we now have a divisive and xenophobic executive order issued unilaterally by President Trump that is tearing families and communities apart, and endangering our dairy farms here in Vermont.”
