NEWS: Sanders on State Department’s Statement that Israel Has Not Restricted Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

WASHINGTON, March 25 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Monday released the following statement regarding the State Department’s statement that Israel is in compliance with U.S. law, international humanitarian law, and the Biden Administration’s recent National Security Memorandum. The State Department today stated: “We have found them not to be in violation, either when it comes to conduct of the war or the provision of humanitarian assistance.”

Sanders said:

32,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed and almost 75,000 injured, two-thirds of whom are women and children. Some 60% of the housing units have been damaged or destroyed, and almost all medical facilities have been made inoperable. Today, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children are facing starvation because Netanyahu won’t let in sufficient humanitarian aid, while thousands of trucks are waiting to get into Gaza. To pretend that Israel is not violating international law or interfering with U.S. humanitarian aid is absurd on its face. The State Department’s position makes a mockery of U.S. law and assurances provided to Congress.