NEWS: Sanders Statement on Israel’s Threat to Attack Rafah

WASHINGTON, May 9 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Thursday released the following statement regarding the threat of Israel’s all-out assault on Rafah:

Almost 35,000 Palestinians have already been killed in this war, and more than 78,000 have been wounded – 70 percent of whom are women and children. As we speak, hundreds of thousands more children face the possibility of malnutrition and starvation.

An attack on Rafah would simply make an unspeakable situation even worse. As a result of the displacement of 80 percent of the population of Gaza, about 1.3 million people, including 600,000 children, are sheltering in Rafah. It’s densely crowded, with roughly 50,000 people per square mile. This is also where the vast majority of humanitarian aid is received and distributed, and where most of the few remaining medical facilities are located.

President Biden is right – the United States cannot continue to provide more bombs and artillery shells to support Netanyahu’s disastrous and inhumane war policies.