Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Hold Public Meeting in Vermont

WASHINGTON, September 4 – Next week, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will hold a public meeting in Brattleboro to discuss best practices for community and citizen advisory boards, like Vermont’s Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens’ Advisory Panel, associated with nuclear plant decommissioning activities.

The meeting, one of ten planned around the country in communities affected by nuclear decommissioning, will also serve as an opportunity for the NRC to hear about lessons learned by these groups.

“Communities impacted by the decommissioning of nuclear plants deserve a role in shaping decommissioning plans,” said Senator Sanders, “as they bear the brunt of the safety, environmental, and economic impacts of plant closure. It is these communities that are left with the legacy of nuclear power and its consequences, and their input and concerns must be taken seriously.”

The meetings are required under a provision authored by Sanders in the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act which requires the NRC to submit a report to Congress about the role of citizen advisory panels. As a member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee that has oversight over the NRC, Sanders has long advocated for strong community involvement.

The meeting will be held at the Brattleboro Area Middle School from 6:00-9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 10, 2019. Click here for more details.