Sanders, Schatz, Schakowsky Introduce Bill to Prevent Corporate Tax Dodging

WASHINGTON, March 9 – Citing new evidence that many profitable corporations evade paying any U.S. income taxes, Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) Thursday introduced a bill to eliminate tax breaks that encourage corporations to shift jobs and profits offshore. Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) introduced a companion bill in the House. In addition to closing loopholes, the Corporate Tax

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Sanders Statement on Revised Travel Ban

WASHINGTON, March 6 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) released the following statement Monday after President Donald Trump signed a new executive order blocking immigration from six majority-Muslim countries and suspending admittance of all refugees: “Let’s call it what it is. This ban is a racist and anti-Islamic attempt to divide us up. A president who respected our traditions of religious

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Sanders to March in Mississippi for Workers’ Rights

WASHINGTON, March 3 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will join civil rights and labor leaders Saturday outside a Nissan Motor Co. plant in Canton, Mississippi, to demand that the automaker respect the rights of workers to form a union. “I am proud to join the fight to give Nissan’s workers the justice, dignity and the right to join a union

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Sanders: Sessions Must Resign

WASHINGTON, March 2 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement Thursday after it was reported that Attorney General Jeff Sessions misled the Senate Judiciary Committee about previous contacts with Russia’s ambassador to the United States: “Millions of Americans are deeply concerned about the possibility that the Trump administration colluded with President Putin and the Russian authoritarian government to win

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Affordable and Safe Prescription Drug Importation Act Introduced to Help Lower Skyrocketing Cost of Medicine

WASHINGTON, Feb. 28 – Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Bob Casey (D-Penn.) introduced legislation Tuesday to lower the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs by allowing Americans to import safe, low-cost medicine from Canada. Reps. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.) and Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) introduced a companion bill in the House. Both measures would authorize the secretary of Health

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Sanders Statement on Private Prisons

WASHINGTON, Feb. 23 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) released the following statement Thursday after Attorney General Jeff Sessions reversed an Obama administration directive to phase out the use of private prisons: “This is how our corrupt political and campaign finance system works. Private prison companies invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and today they got

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