Statement on Missile Defense Basing

WASHINGTON, Sept. 12 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today issued the following statement on the Department of Defense announcement that  Vermont is under consideration as the location for an anti-ballistic missile launch site: “My first impression is that this is a very bad idea and, for a wide variety of reasons, I do not believe that it will ever happen.” 

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Sanders Reacts to President’s Speech on Syria

WASHINGTON, Sept. 10 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement tonight after President Barack Obama delivered a national address on Syria’s chemical weapons: “There is a reason why the vast majority of Americans disapprove of the work that Congress is doing. Vermonters and the American people want President Obama and Congress to focus on the major crises facing

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Sanders Statement on Syria

WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement tonight after President Barack Obama said a proposal to put Syria’s chemical weapons under international control could be a potential breakthrough and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) postponed action on a resolution in support of U.S. military strikes against Syria: “At a time when the vast majority

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Sanders Statement on Syria

WASHINGTON, Sept. 4 – Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement today on President Barack Obama’s request for Congress to authorize military strikes against Syria: “I intend to keep an open mind with regard to the president’s proposal on Syria but at this point I have serious reservations.  These reservations are shared by many Vermonters who are calling my office –

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Sanders Statement on Syria

WASHINGTON, Aug. 31 – Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement today after President Barack Obama announced that he will ask Congress to authorize military strikes against Syria: “The use of chemical weapons by the Assad dictatorship is inhumane and a violation of international law.  However, at this point in time, I need to hear more from the president as to

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VA Accreditation Program Open to Abuse, GAO Says

WASHINGTON, Aug. 30 – Leaders of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and the Special Committee on Aging said today that they are “deeply troubled” by the Department of Veterans Affairs’ lax oversight of private advisers to veterans applying for pensions and other benefits. The senators cited a new report by the Government Accountability Office that faulted the VA for

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