Sanders Statement on Gay Marriage Cases

BURLINGTON, Vt., Dec. 7 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement today after the Supreme Court agreed to hear two cases on same-sex marriage: “Vermonters are rightly proud of our state’s historic role as a civil rights leader. Our state was the first in the nation to allow gay marriage without a court order, but that doesn’t

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Sanders Announces Third Annual State of the Union Essay Contest

BURLINGTON, Vt., Dec. 6 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) launched his third annual State of the Union essay contest to engage Vermont’s high school students on the major issues facing the country. “It’s my hope that this essay contest will provide an opportunity for students to explore current issues in depth, and will help develop their critical thinking about

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Sanders to GOP: Don’t Cut Benefits for Disabled Veterans

WASHINGTON, Dec. 5 – In an address today at the National Press Club, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said a proposal floated by congressional Republicans would slash benefits for disabled veterans. A member of the Senate Budget Committee and the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Sanders said deficits must be reined in, but not by taking benefits away from more than 3 million

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Senate Adds Anti-Fraud Amendment to Defense Bill

WASHINGTON, Nov. 30 – The Senate today agreed to make the Pentagon compile annual reports on contracting fraud. The provision by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was added to a Department of Defense authorization bill. “This country has a $16 trillion national debt. It is unacceptable that the Department of Defense continues to lose vast sums of taxpayer money because of

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The Face of Class Warfare

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein came to Capitol Hill this week to call for cuts in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. As Congress and the White House are negotiating a year-end deficit deal, Blankfein sought to “lower people’s expectations” about their retirement and health care. He spoke with all the sympathy for someone struggling to get by on $14,000-a-year retirement

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Sanders Says Simpson-Bowles Must Not Shape Deficit Debate

WASHINGTON, Nov. 28 – With Congress and the White House in the midst of deficit negotiations, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today called on colleagues to reject proposals by former Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.) and Erskine Bowles that would hurt working families and help the wealthiest Americans and profitable corporations. The Simpson-Bowles plan “will cause major economic pain to virtually every

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