Sometimes we all tend to take things for granted and we forget that Social Security is the most successful government program in our nation’s history.  Let’s be clear.  For more than 75 years, Social Security has, in good times and bad, paid out every nickel owed to every eligible American.  Social Security has succeeded in keeping millions of senior citizens, widows and orphans and the disabled out of

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Sanders Proposes Bill to Strengthen Social Security

BURLINGTON, Vt., Aug. 25 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders announced today that he will introduce legislation when Congress reconvenes to strengthen and preserve Social Security. Since it was signed into law 76 years ago this month, Social Security has kept millions of senior citizens, widows, orphans, and the disabled out of poverty.  To keep Social Security strong for another 75 years, Sanders’ legislation would apply the

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Sanders Demands Federal Regulators Obey Law and Limit Oil Speculation

WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 – Sen. Bernie Sanders today said federal regulators should stop thumbing their noses at a year-old law and enforce limits on excessive speculation in oil markets. He cited secret data collected by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission which showed that Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and other banks and hedge funds dominated oil markets in 2008 when prices rose sharply and topped $140

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CFTC Report Reveals Rampant Speculation in Oil Markets

Sen. Bernie Sanders offered the following statement after having reviewed a list of speculative oil traders responsible for the 2008 spike in oil prices. This list was compiled by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). “This report clearly shows that in the summer of 2008 when gas prices spiked to more than $4 a gallon, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and other speculators on Wall Street

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Delegation announces $1 million grant to Montpelier-based Institute for Sustainable Communities

Vermont’s congressional delegation – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I), Sen. Patrick Leahy (D), and Rep. Peter Welch (D) – today announced a one million dollar grant to the Montpelier-based Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC). Through the grant, ISC will work with the joint HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities (PSC), which coordinates federal housing, transportation, water, and other infrastructure investments to make neighborhoods more prosperous, allow people

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Sanders to Steelworkers: No. 1 Challenge America Faces Is A Jobs Crisis

Sen. Bernie Sanders will address the urgent need to create jobs to both jumpstart the economy and reduce the national debt during the United Steelworkers “Stand Up, Fight Back” convention in Las Vegas this afternoon. Shortly before Sanders speaks to more than 3,000 union leaders throughout North America today, President Barack Obama is scheduled to make remarks to the steelworkers’ convention by video. On Monday, House

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