Vermont Delegation asks Obama for additional flood disaster assistance

Vermont’s congressional delegation on Tuesday sent a letter to President Barack Obama supporting the addition of Washington and Caledonia Counties to Vermont’s federal disaster declaration request. The additional request was made by Gov. Peter Shumlin on Monday in response to damage caused by severe storms, which occurred after the initial disaster declaration request was sent on May 27th. Following that initial request, the delegation wrote

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Sanders, Boozman Introduce 10 Million Solar Roofs Bill

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sen. John Boozman (R-Ark.) introduced a bill that would lower the cost of solar power and put the United States on track to install 10 million solar systems on homes and businesses by 2020. Sanders and Boozman are the chairman and ranking member, respectively, of the Senate Green Jobs and New Economy Subcommittee. They were

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Release: Vermont Workers Receiving $3 Million in Back Pay

BURLINGTON, Vt., June 3 – Paychecks are being issued this week to some 700 Vermont workers who won $2.9 million in back wages in a dispute with government contractors at the Vermont Service Center in St. Albans and Essex Junction. About 700 workers employed by Stanley Inc. and its subcontractors are to receive checks by June 6 for their share of the

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Release: Sanders’ Legislation Would Curb Oil Speculators

Do-Nothing Regulators Branded as Outlaws U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Thursday he will introduce legislation to force federal regulators to curb unbridled speculation in crude oil markets that experts blame for driving up gasoline prices. “We cannot allow Wall Street speculators to continue to rip off the American people at the gas pump any longer,” Sanders told a press

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Crude Situation

Senator Sanders called Tuesday for a “sense of urgency” by President Obama to make federal commodity regulators enforce a law against excessive speculation in crude oil markets. In an interview on MSNBC, Sanders cited economists who blame much of the pump price for gasoline on oil speculators. Sanders first staked out his case in a letter to the president last

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Senator Sanders Presents Vermont Free Spirit Award to Willie Nelson

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Sunday awarded Willie Nelson the 2011 Vermont Free Spirit Award. The senator made the presentation during a weekend concert by the country music legend at the Champlain Valley Expo in Essex Junction, Vt. The award was given to Nelson “in honor of your tireless support of our nation’s family farmers, and in honor of

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