Sanders Increases Funding for Veterans, Community Health Centers, and Child Care in Budget Committee Resolution

WASHINGTON – The Senate Budget Committee today passed a budget resolution that substantially improves funding for veterans, community health centers, and child care. Sanders, a member of the Budget Committee as well as the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, authored several provisions increasing funding in these areas and heralded the resolution’s passage. The Budget Resolution provides a blueprint for subsequent federal spending bills next year.

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Statement of Senator Bernie Sanders at the Senate Agriculture Field Hearing in Montpelier, Vermont

As many of the people in this room have heard me say in the past, preserving geographically-dispersed, family-based agriculture in this country is a critical priority from an economic standpoint, from an environmental standpoint, from a food safety and nutrition standpoint, and from a national security standpoint. Certainly with respect to dairy, and in the case of many other commodities as well, we have to do far more at the federal level and at the state level if we are to achieve this goal.

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On the Senate Floor, Senator Bernie Sanders Names Names of Super-Rich Families Receiving Huge Tax Breaks Under Bush Budget

Mr. President: the federal budget is more than just a long list of numbers, which in this case add up to about 2.9 trillion dollars. The federal budget, like any family budget or any company budget, is a statement of values and priorities. In fact, the federal budget in many ways, is a statement of what our country is all about.We would all, I think, find it irresponsible and strange if

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