Senator Sanders Introduces the Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act

Washington D.C.Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, announced today that he will be introducing the Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act on Tuesday with Senators Barbara Boxer, Patrick Leahy, Edward Kennedy, Robert Menendez, Frank Lautenberg, Jack Reed, Daniel Akaka, Daniel Inouye, Russell Feingold, and Sheldon Whitehouse. The act calls for an 80% reduction –

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Senator Sanders Joins Effort to Stop Bush Increase in U.S. Troops in Iraq

Senator Bernard Sanders today announced that he will cosponsor legislation to be introduced by Senator Ted Kennedy that prevents the President from escalating the war and increasing the troop numbers in Iraq without the express consent of Congress. Kennedys legislation would prohibit the use of funds for the escalation of United States forces in Iraq without a specific authorization of

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Statement from Senator Bernie Sanders on Ethics Reform

Today in the United States of America the middle class is shrinking, poverty is increasing and the gap between the rich and the poor is growing wider and wider. Meanwhile, the people at the top economically have never had it so good. The sad truth is that Congress, especially over the last 6 years, has not only failed to respond

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