Release: Senate Passes Unemployment Benefit Extension

WASHINGTON, November 4 – The Senate voted late this afternoon for a 14-week extension of unemployment insurance benefits. The extension would help about 1,800 Vermonters whose benefits were to have run out by the end of this year.  “Winter is coming and in Vermont and around the country we simply cannot leave families in the lurch without any source of

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Release: Nearly $69 Million To Launch Smart Grid Technology In Vermont

The Vermont congressional delegation
announced Tuesday morning that Vermont Transco, LLC, will receive
$68,928,650 in federal support to launch Vermont’s Smart Grid
technology.  The funds are part of $3.4 billion in Smart Grid grants
across the nation that President Obama announced today – the largest
awards made in a single day from this year’s American Reinvestment and
Recovery Act.  “This is an opportunity for Vermont once again to lead the nation in
energy efficiency and in developing a greener economy.  These
investments help move our state and our nation toward energy
independence and will create many good-paying jobs,” said Sanders,
chairman of the Senate Green Jobs and the New Economy Subcommittee. 
“Smart Grid technologies improve reliability and service quality while
allowing consumers more control over energy use.”

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Release: State Law Enforcement and First Responder Funds

WATERBURY, October 26 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today announced $944,000 in federal funding for state law enforcement and first responders. Vermont Department of Public Safety Commissioner Thomas Tremblay said Sanders “has always expressed his desire to assist with our public safety initiatives. We greatly appreciate his efforts to bring these funds to Vermont to help us advance our technology

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Statement on Former Vice President’s Afghanistan Criticisms

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) made the following statement in response to former-Vice President Dick Cheney’s comments that President Barack Obama is “dithering” in regarding the war in Afghanistan: “It appears that after he helped run one of the worst administrations in American history, former VP Cheney has learned nothing.  By precipitate and dishonest action, the Bush-Cheney administration got us into

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Sanders Hails Two Major Victories for Veterans

WASHINGTON, October 22 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a member of the veterans committee, today hailed President Barack Obama’s signing of legislation establishing advanced funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs and the department’s recent acceptance of the connection between Agent Orange and devastating diseases. President Obama signed legislation today providing health care funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs

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