Senator Sanders: Bush Misleads on True Cost of War

Today is the first Budget Committee hearing since yesterday’s release of the President’s federal budget proposal for fiscal year 2008. The hearing correctly focuses on a very important issue facing the U.S. Senate and our nation: the Iraq War and its costs. This war has great human costs, as we see and hear each day from reports overseas. This is a war that has co

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Senator Bernie Sanders, Member of Budget Committee: The Bush Budget is a Disaster

Washington, D.C. – Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a member of the Budget Committee, said today that he would strongly oppose the President’s budget proposal to slash health care, education, and nutritional benefits while giving even more tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans and the most profitable corporations. Instead, Sanders will be working to rescind the President’s tax breaks for the wealthiest one percent, eliminate corporate welfare and tax breaks for corporate expatriates, cut back on

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Senator Sanders Praises U.S. Senate Passage of an Increased Minimum Wage

Senator Bernie Sanders applauded U.S. Senate-passage of an increase in the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 over the next two years. This is the first increase in the federal minimum in almost a decade. The U.S. House has already passed its version of the minimum wage increase and a House/Senate Conference Committee will have to work out differences between the two bills before the wage

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Senator Sanders and Senate Democrats Warn President Not to Short Troops, Veterans in His Upcoming Budget

WASHINGTON, D.C. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) joined Democratic members of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee and Iraq war veterans to call on the President to work with Congress to provide critical funding for our veterans and members of the military in his upcoming Fiscal Year 2008 budget. Despite the enormous burden placed on our veterans and their families by the war in Iraq, President B

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Statement of Senator Sanders at the EPW Global Warming Forum

Good morning Chairman Boxer, Ranking Member Inhofe. As you know, I have introduced S. 309, the Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act. This legislation is the boldest effort aimed at halting global warming. Some would say that the bill goes too far; I say it doesnt go far enough. This is because we arent talking about your run of the mill problem we are, in the most literal sense, talkin

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Senator Sanders to Secretary Rice: Escalate Diplomacy Not Troops in Iraq

Washington D.C.Senator Bernard Sanders (I-VT) today met with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and called on the Administration to escalate diplomatic efforts, rather than the number of troops, in order to end the quagmire in Iraq. In his remarks, Sanders also urged the Administration to abandon its unilateral approach to the war by working in a true bipartisan manner and by charting a new course in Iraq in consultation with the Congress. Sanders said, Now is the time to increase the level of

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