NEWS: Sanders Statement on U.S. Response to Russia

BURLINGTON, Vt., Feb. 22 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Tuesday issued the following statement after President Biden announced the first tranche of economic sanctions against Russia in response to President Vladimir Putin’s formal recognition of two breakaway territories in Eastern Ukraine: “Vladimir Putin’s latest invasion of Ukraine is an indefensible violation of international law, regardless of whatever false pretext he

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PREPARED REMARKS: Chairman Sanders at Senate Budget Committee Hearing on Wall Street Greed and Growing Oligarchy in America

WASHINGTON, Feb. 17 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, today delivered remarks at the committee hearing, “Warrior Met and Wall Street Greed: What Corporate Raiders are Doing to Workers and Consumers” to examine growing oligarchy on Wall Street through the case study of Warrior Met Coal in Alabama where workers have spent the last 11

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NEWS: Sanders Hears Directly from Vermont Students at Virtual Town Meeting

WASHINGTON, Feb. 17 – As the world faces the third year of the coronavirus pandemic and a growing crisis in schools around the country, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday evening held a virtual student town meeting to hear directly from young people about the challenges they are experiencing today and how the federal government can begin to address their

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TODAY: Sanders to Hold Virtual Town Meeting to Hear From Vermont Students

Updated: Student panelists will be joining from schools across the state, including Brownington Central School, Crossett Brook Middle School, Proctor Jr./Sr. High School, Burlington High School, North Country Union High School, Mount Anthony Union High School, Bellows Free Academy-Fairfax, Winooski High School, Bellows Falls Union High School, Peoples Academy, Twinfield Union School, Rutland High School, and Lake Region High School.

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NEWS: Senate Budget Committee to Hold Hearing on Wall Street Greed and Growing Oligarchy in America

Committee will hear testimony from panelists, including a Warrior Met miner on strike for nearly a year and the International President of the United Mine Workers of America WASHINGTON, Feb. 14 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, announced Monday that the committee will hold a hearing Thursday, February 17, titled “Warrior Met and Wall Street

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