NEWS: Chairman Sanders Statement on Medicare Drug Price Negotiation

BURLINGTON, Vt., Sept. 15 – Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders Wednesday issued the following statement after the Energy and Commerce Committee in the House of Representatives failed to include a critical provision allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices during a markup of reconciliation legislation: “I am very disappointed in the 29-29 vote on prescription drugs that was taken today

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MEDIA ADVISORY: Sanders to Introduce Historic Judicial Nominee Vermont Justice Beth Robinson at Hearing Tuesday

Nominee, Vermonter and Longtime Champion for LGBTQ Rights, Would Be First Openly LGBTQ Woman to Serve on U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals   WASHINGTON, September 13 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) Tuesday will join the Senate Committee on the Judiciary to introduce Vermont Supreme Court Justice Beth Robinson for consideration as President Joe Biden’s historic nominee for the United States

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NEWS: More than 2,000 Vermonters Turned Out for Sanders Town Meetings on Reconciliation Bill over Labor Day Weekend

Sen. Bernie Sanders held five town meetings – with live music, food, and free COVID-19 vaccine services offered – in Springfield, Newport, St. Johnsbury, Brattleboro, and Middlebury. BURLINGTON, September 7 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) held five outdoor town meetings across Vermont over Labor Day weekend – with live music, food, and free COVID-19 vaccine services made available – in

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UPDATED MEDIA ADVISORY: Sanders to Hold Labor Day Weekend Town Meetings Across Vermont

Updated details highlighted BURLINGTON, September 3 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will hold five outdoor town meetings across Vermont over Labor Day weekend, September 4 to 6. The town meetings in Springfield, Newport, St. Johnsbury, Brattleboro, and Middlebury are an opportunity for communities to come together and hear about the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill and how it will make major

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MEDIA ADVISORY: Sanders to Hold Labor Day Weekend Town Meetings Across Vermont

BURLINGTON, August 31 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will hold five town meetings across Vermont over Labor Day weekend, September 4 to 6. The town meetings in Springfield, Newport, St. Johnsbury, Brattleboro, and Middlebury are an opportunity for communities to come together and hear about the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill and how it will make major investments in working families

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TOMORROW: Sanders to Visit Crossett Brook Middle School to Discuss Sustainable Energy Initiative for Vermont Schools and Public Buildings

BURLINGTON, August 24 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Wednesday will visit Crossett Brook Middle School to discuss how federal funding can help Vermont schools and public buildings install solar and renewables. Earlier this month, Sanders announced that a number of projects he submitted to various Senate Appropriations subcommittees through the Congressionally Directed Spending process – formerly known as “earmarks”

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