Release: Sanders Supports Shumlin on Health Care Reform

WASHINGTON, Feb. 8 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) applauded a proposal that Gov. Peter Shumlin presented to Vermont lawmakers today to move the state toward a single-payer health care system.

“I applaud the governor for presenting his health care proposal to the Legislature and I look forward to working with him. With 50 million Americans uninsured and the cost of health care soaring, Vermont can be a model for the nation as we move toward a Medicare-for-all, single-payer health care system,” Sanders said.

Sanders introduced legislation on Jan. 25 to help the state use a new national health care law to enact a single-payer system. Sen. Patrick Leahy is a cosponsor of the Senate bill, and Rep. Peter Welch introduced companion legislation in the House.

Under the national bill, states would be able to seek waivers from the U.S. Health and Human Services Department three years sooner than allowed under the new federal health care law.  States could qualify for waivers only for plans that are at least as comprehensive and affordable as the federal model and cover at least as many people. States could not offer lower quality or less affordable coverage.